Thursday, March 12, 2015


Adolescent minds are clouded by the smoke billowing slowly from the mouths of authority
It's intoxicating to watch.
Seeing the congregations smoking their holy pages,
Remembering politicians blowing dragons out their noses.

Through our journey we discover what makes us teenagers: the disagreements between wild youth and grounded adults. 

But we realize that parents saw the ends of bowls,
Society sips liquor from deep glasses.
They say to breathe deeply and you will be rewarded for success, punished for failure. 
Our adolescent minds get so clouded by the smoke, that it becomes easy to forget how the prosperity of one, will differ from the next. 

And the smoke
the drinks
the medications
Affect the minds in different ways. 
Because difference is key to living successfully
And expanding our narrowing visions,
Clearing out the vapors
Must be completed by accepting ourselves for who we are
And smoking
In the confines of our own adolescent minds. 

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